Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Time Flies

I can't believe my baby starts school tomorrow! We had open house last night and my baby did so much better than me! They called her name to go to her class and off she went! Didn't even look back. I have such mixed emotions. Part of me wants to let her go, learn, make lifelong friends. Part of me wants to keep her in a bubble. Maybe I'll settle for a short leash.

We took a last minute trip to the mountains to say goodbye to summer. Here are some pics of our adventure!

                                          Viewer discretion advised....these girls have NO fear!
                                          Mile High Bridge
 Notice Bob at the beginning of the bridge waiting for us to come back. The man is not too keen on heights!
                                          Outdoor bubble bath:-)
                           Our $7 gold fish finally died so had to replace it with our little friend the frog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh no! For some reason I thought today was Tuesday and I was going to call Annabelle tomorrow (thinking it was Wednesday) and tell her good luck and have fun at school!! I even put it in my palm pilot to remind myself! Oh well...tell her I said good luck and I'll be thinking of her! Sounds like she'll get along just fine! It's mommy who's going to need some kleenix! Take some pics!
